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You Are Here: Discontinued Tights Stockings Hold Ups - Trasparenze - Trasparenze Tosca Hold Ups
Trasparenze Tosca Hold Ups
Trasparenze Tosca Hold Ups
This product has been discontinued

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Seeing this hold up for real is the only way to actually do it justice. I can't tell you just how absolutely stunning they really are. A black leg that is complimented with a bronze, fine mesh insert at the back of the leg from mid calf all the way to the top of the leg. A floral design is implimented here and there, not too many though as to confuse the look of elegance. Then begins the most superb lace that is deep and opulent with bronze embroidery all over the lace. I can't say much more about these only that I feel sure you won't be disappointed when you open this product.


* Special opulent lace
* Bronzed lace
* Highly fashionable
* Exquisitely designed
* 85% Polyamide
* 15% Elastane

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