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You Are Here: Discontinued Tights Stockings Hold Ups - Leg Avenue - Leg Avenue Opaque Striped Thigh Highs with Pom Pom (6603)
Leg Avenue Opaque Striped Thigh Highs with Pom Pom (6603)
Leg Avenue Opaque Striped Thigh Highs with Pom Pom (6603)
This product has been discontinued

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Used to sell for:

It you were to walk down the street wearing a pointy hat, curly shoes and candy stripes, who'd probably end up being carried off by the elves in the white coats.

At least, you would for 364 days of the year. Catching my drift yet?!

For at least one day this year, dress up in something a little bit eccentric and let you hair down.

* 60 denier
* Perfect for Christmas
* Stripes and pom pom
* Perfect gift
* 50% Nylon
* 50% Polyester

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