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You Are Here: Discontinued Tights Stockings Hold Ups - Trasparenze - Trasparenze Gisele Hold Ups
Trasparenze Gisele Hold Ups
Trasparenze Gisele Hold Ups
This product has been discontinued

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Provocative, saucy, elegant, or simply stunning. Any of these phrases spring to mind when you cast your eyes on these beauties for the first time. These hold ups are the kind that make you just think one thing..... I have to have those! Beautifully made as are all the Trasparenze products. Highest of quality and right at the top of this years fashion ladder. However, you need to hurry as they are a limited edition. If you miss them then we can't get more stock I'm afraid.


* 20 denier
* Cuban heel
* Fine black seam
* Stunning design
* 88% Polyamide
* 12% Elastane

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